Capstone Presntation


    This project was a combination of many different skills I acquired over my time here at UT Dallas. I wanted to create something with emotional weight, and less of my standard abstract design style. This started out as an entirely audio-based narrative based on a super hero comic I quite enjoyed. I wanted to make it personal, and sympathetic. The visual presentation was a result of my black and white photography course I took in my last semester. I found that the medium inspired me, and I wanted to incorporate it here. This is the result of it. 

Voice of protagonist (son): Joe Boudreaux (Me)
Voice of Father: RagingKirinVA

Sound Production: Joe Boudreaux
Editing: Joe Boudreaux
Mixing: Joe Boudreaux

SFX found in the project are a mixture of recording sound effects from myself and sourced SFX from the Sound Ideas library
